
Huge study of teen brains could reveal roots of mental illness, impacts of drug abuse

Chya* (pronounced SHY-a), who is not quite 10 years old, recently spent an unusual day at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. Part of the time she was in a „cool“ brain scanner while playing video games designed to test her memory and other brain-related skills. At other points, she answered lots of questions about her life and health on an iPad. weiterlesen…

Chest Pain Evaluation: Complimentary Role of Cardiac CT and MR

Coronary artery disease (CAD) continues to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Each year, approximately 8 million patients are seen in the emergency room for chest pain. About 25% have acute MI or unstable angina, 25% have stable angina, and up to 50% have non-cardiac chest pain. The cost is over $3 billion for those without acute diseases. Unfortunately, at the same time, about 5% of patients with MI are sent home from the ER and results in 20% of malpractice payout. weiterlesen…

CT-Guided Therapeutic Decision Making Enables a Reduction in Myocardial Infarction

SCCT Leadership Comments on New SCOT-HEART Substudy

Vienna, VA (April 25, 2016) – The results of a new study1, a secondary analysis of the SCOT-HEART (Scottish COmputed Tomography of the HEART)2 trial, show that coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) leads to a more appropriate and effective selection of invasive coronary angiography for patients with suspected angina due to coronary heart disease. more …


Eine Flussmessung per CT-Angiografie kann nicht nur Herzkatheter vermeiden helfen, sondern auch Kosten einsparen. Das zeigen die jetzt veröffentlichten 1-Jahres-Daten der PLATFORM-Studie.


Sechsfach höhere Fallzahlen in Risikogruppen durch systematisches MRT. HIER geht es zum Artikel.